Youger World

There is a world behind the refrigerator cover. When lights are turned off and everyone sleeps, Youger World doors are opened only for the chosen people by Otwar. Otwar is the youngest giant who opened his eyes yesterday in Otwar World. In this world, every week, new giants are born, and they dominate the Youger world. Because day by day, the giant’s memory becomes older and shorter. It is a total opposite of the normal world. In the normal world, day by day, we live new things and learn new information, but in Youger World, day by day, giants’ memory is becoming clearer. Also, there are little elves too. These elves work for giants. They are immortal and have a stable age; they never get older or younger. Giants and elves never pass the normal world, but Jorges can pass to the normal world, and they can turn human. They only stay in Youger World in daytimes, and when the sun sets, they are beamed to the real World. In Youger World, nights are daytime, and daytimes are nights.

Conrad is 12 years old, and the day before, he sees a dream about Youger World. He has been reading some book about Fantastic Worlds, and the book says they send an invitation for being Jorges in Youger World. He gets excited about it. The next day he sees an invitation letter in his dream and he accepts. After one week, he wakes up when lights are turned off and everyone is sleeping. He walks on the balls of his feet to the kitchen and stays in front of the refrigerator. He opens the cover and says, “Youragrappinban,” then he finds himself in Youger World. He is in a square, and there are many Jorges around him. Now he is also a Jorge too. He has a little house and many Jorge friends. He asks some elf to get the rule paper. Then he reads and follows the elf to find his house. In Youger World, time passes very fast. Suddenly he finds himself on his bed. He looks outside, and the sun is rising up.

Then his mother comes and calls for breakfast. He is really shocked and doesn’t get over it. He can’t tell somebody this event because if he says, he fires in Youger World. This is a secret that he has to keep until he dies. After this night, he goes to Youger World every night, and this is routine for him.Is this routine will be broken?

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