You Have One Wish

It was a rainy, cold day. Aaron was laying on his bed reading his favorite book Harry Potter. As he finished page 109, he heard some kind of glass break. He ran downstairs praying that it wasn’t what he thought it was. His heart was beating as though it was going to explode. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he arrived at the living room. His glass skyscraper he worked on for six months was broken to a million pieces and next to it was his mom crying. Aaron’s mom was nice lady who had a high paying job. But ever since Aaron’s dad left them she couldn’t stop drinking and later got fired from her job. After the shock Aaron was able to move again he looked at his mom but didn’t say a word nor get furious. He hugged his mum intead. He didn’t bother starting to build the glass building. He just sat in his room for hours thinking about his mom. just before he fell asleep he said to himself, I wish I could do magic so I could I save us from this situation.

He woke up feeling horrible. And suddenly, he heard a buzzing sound coming from his closet. He reached and opened it. Aaron couldn’t see what was inside first. Seconds later a genie came out of the closet. He fainted soon after. He woke up 30 minutes later. The genie was waiting for him. It said , You have one wish. What do you want? Aaron, flabbergasted said that his wish was to have an happy family. Done. Said the genie. He was so excited to hear that his family was like the old times again.

He went downstairs and saw his dad and mom watching a film together. He sat on the couch with them and watched the two-hour-long movie. He dozed off as the film ended. Next morning, he woke up, took a shower and wore his favorite clothes. When he went to the living room he saw his skyscraper all over the floor with his mother sleeping on the couch with beer bottles next to her.

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