Year 6447

In the year 6447, there were flying vehicles, dancing clothes, flying objects. life was flowing very well, people were very happy. There was no such thing as money anymore. People were much happier without money. Technology had changed a lot. People had found the solution to all diseases.

There was no such thing as a fight anymore. no one was even mistreating each other. Everyone knew each other and were friends. Holidays were no longer about going to our relatives’ houses and kissing hands. Just calling was enough. but that was not the rule. This method became easier because technology was everywhere. Some of the people who wanted to celebrate their holidays with things like phones and tablets, went to their homes and bought candy. But there was something very important. there would be a very nice festivities every new year. the streets would be bustling and people would not want to go home that day. A place was established in the middle of the city and the beginning of the year was celebrated there.

Well, this could be the year I looked out the window and wanted it to be.


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