Year 2030…

Many weird things will happen in 2030 or should I say interesting. Let me start things off by viruses, as you know we are still not out of pandemic and new viruses are forming and each of them is worse than another. Therefore, there will be viruses in 2030 and apparently the virus would be stronger, and will last longer but who knows? One of the main problems these days are extinction and it’s actually more serious than you think it is. In 2030 most of the animals would be extinct and that would affect us humans badly, like our eating habits we may go vegan with is acceptable. global warming would be the most critical issue in 2030. Climates could possibly change to only winter and summer. Lastly, I will be talking about life quality which I think would be decent. Well, I can’t know how would the economy be in 2030 but apparently bad because all petrol, natural gas, ext used. From all of the things we talked about we could see that we need to protect our planet from all of those disasters.

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