Would you rather change time or stop it? In fact, both concepts hold different meanings for each person and offer us varying perspectives and opinions.

Changing time involves shaping each moment according to your desires. While time flows continuously like a river, we can intervene and turn it in our favor—just like reversing the flow of the river. Changing time means aligning our goals, dreams, and abilities with our potential and using them wisely. So, if it were up to you, what thoughts would you have on this issue? After all, everyone’s goal in changing time is unique.

Stopping time, on the other hand, means resisting the flow and progress of time and taking a stance accordingly. Imagine spending a lot of time with your loved ones in a happy and peaceful environment. You have fun, and you enjoy being there immensely. In such moments, you might wish to stop time and stay there forever, never letting go of those precious seconds, right? However, what makes time valuable is that it is limited and passes quickly. If time moved slowly or remained in the same cycle forever, you might regret missing out on the experiences that change and progression bring.

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