Would I be able to Survive in a Farm ?

How would my life be if I were a farmer instead of being an normal kid in the city? Well if I were born in a farm at the countryside by any chance I wouldn’t really mind to be honest, living at the countryside as a farmer would be great! Of course it would be hard work but looking after all the farm animals living there would be great and don’t forget being in the open fields where there are no noises other than the birds singing and the dogs barking, to be honest I would love just looking after the animals rather than sitting in a classroom for hours cause i would be walking, running and actually doing something than sitting around and just listening to some lecture. Don’t get me wrong I like school but I would rather do some hard work rather than just around all day and just fry my brain, plus I think it would be much better for people to be moving freely rather than be stuck in a claustrophobic room with almost twenty or so people, I don’t like small places so for me I rather be in a open field with many places to run freely than in a classroom so i would prefer countryside or farm life rather than city life. But now lets get into the how would I spend my days as a farmer? Well for the casual mornings I would get up either would get some fresh eggs from the chicken coop or just eat some salad, I would prefer an salad with vegetables rather than a egg cause I don’t really like eggs and I wouldn’t wanna take the chickens eggs, but than I would get out to check all the animals, would check if they need any needs, feed them one by one and pretty much just take care of them. For the evening I would give the farm dogs or cats a walk cause I don’t know if I would have a dog or a cat but I very much think that they need walks every day, both of them, cats and dogs.. yes cats can be taken out to take a walk not just dogs. Anyways so for the evenings I would gather all of the animal’s back into their cabins and or areas than I would make myself a dinner to eat maybe some quick noodles usually do the trick they take like three minutes to cook but of course sometimes I would have a normal dinner like maybe some soup or a salad that would be the things that I would prefer, don’t judge me. Anyways for the seasons like summer and winter, summer and spring would be the same as my regular days but winter and fall might be a little difficult, like you can’t really grow vegetables or fruits in winter so i would need to either stock food like ants do which would be a bad idea cause the food might spoil and or rot very bad or I can just survive of noodles for the whole three months which wouldn’t be so bad for be but I do still have to feed the farm animals and well since i wouldn’t able to grow them food I would have to go out and buy them food myself which would be a pain if it were to snow bad, and I wouldn’t able to let some of the animals out the freezing cold cause I think some of them would just drop dead but still they have walk and run around freely and eat grass and seeds and such so I would have to wake up early and just dig out all of the snow but if it were to just snow very badly than I would have to keep them inside so that they don’t freeze to their demise. “But what about the cats and the dogs what about them?” you ask ,well I would have to take the dogs out so that they don’t to their business inside my house but for the cats it would be okay since they would have a litter box inside the house already, so to answer the question at the title.. yes, I would survive to my expectation’s but there’s a fifty-fifty chance that I might meet my demise at winter or so, yeah that’s pretty much it, thanks for reading almost seven hundred fifty words.

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