World Under Rainbow

Me and my friends went on walk one day to see giant rainbow far away. Me and friends started running to rainbow. When we got close we felt it getting colder. When we got under the rainbow we felt a weird feelling in our bodies. The feeling was like going really fast down a waterslide. Then we passout.
When we wake back up we see lots of new exciting things. We saw giant mountains and waterfalls and different animals like unicorns. We were excited to explore this world. After having fun for 5 hours in new world we wanted to go back to our homes. Then we remember we do not know how to exit this world and go back. We got very scared. We didn’t now what to do now. We continued walking around the new world.
When we walk around we saw someone we didnt know. When we walked up to him he said he was Rainbow Wizard. When we ask the Rainbow Wizard how to go back to our homes he says we have to climb a mountain to reach a portal. That is the only way to go back to earth. So we start walking to this mountain. When we reach the bottom of mountain were not sure we can make it to the top because the mountain is too high. We are already so tired and hungry because we couldnt eat. So we sat down to think what we can do. Then we see a dragon come close to us. We started to run away but the dragon said stop. We were amazed that dragon could talk. We stopped. The dragon said it looks like you need help. We said yes we need help. We said we needed to climb this mountain to go back home. The dragon said I can help you by flying you to the top of the mountain. We were so happy. The dragon then took us to the top of the mountain.
When we entered the portal back home we were happy to see our families and our town again. İt was a great adventure.

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