Wonderful Month

First Day
It is the first day without technology. Today, I woke up early and had a healthy breakfast. Then, I wrote in my diary and listened to music. After that, I baked a cake and decorated it. Later, I had my dinner and ate the cake.

Second Day
I woke up a little late, then had breakfast. After that, I took a walk with my friends and chatted. Later, I had lunch with my cousin. It was really fun! I cooked vegetables and pasta.

Third Day
I woke up really early and ran for one hour, then climbed a small mountain. After that, I made a healthy smoothie with apple, banana, and pineapple. It was really delicious. Finally, I made a puzzle.

Fourth Day
I woke up really late and had a big breakfast. Then, I studied for my lessons and tried some new country foods. It was so much fun! I can’t write all month, but life without technology is more fun than other ways of living.

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