With or Without Teacher


Learning is a lifelong process. This knowledge is passed down through the generations. With the discovery of writing during the Sumerian period, the invention of the printing press in the 600s, and the discovery of computers and the internet in the 1950s, access to information and learning became much faster. Nowadays, it has become possible to reach information through the internet in milliseconds.

In order to learn, man needs a number of tools and resources. This can either be a book, a computer, a community, media. But skill-based forms of learning are a bit more complex. Human beings have a way of learning based on many skills that they can do on their own. For example, human beings can learn to play a musical instrument by experimenting. Aşık Veysel learned the instrument that his father bought him by playing it by himself. A person can learn to play a musical instrument from a teacher as well as learn it on his own. There are some children who guide tourists at an early age. He has taught himself enough to explain his troubles. English can also be learned with a teacher, one can learn on one’s own. Cooking is similar. A person can also learn to cook from his mother, he can also do it on his own.

Some learned skills involve high risk in life. Skills that can cause accidents, disability, death and financial damage must be learned with a guide. For example, when a worker manufactures a part on a lathe, he can do it by learning from a craftsman. To vaccinate, a nurse needs to learn this from a teacher.

As a result, there are skills that a person needs to learn with a teacher as much as he can learn on his own.

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