Winter brings pandoras box with it,
Happines, sadness, drama within it.
Everyone feels them a bit,
Like for a reason I’m right when I say:
“The snowball hits us harder then we throw it”
I hope winter goes away,
But this time you stay.
“Winter comes brings pandoras box with it, happines, sadness, drama within it.”Pandoras box is an ancient Greek myht. Zeus tells Pandora not to open the box but eventually Pandora opens it anyway and from the box sicknes, drought, and war flies. The last one that flies is hope. With second term comes harder topics more school which whether we like it or not brings drama. I like neither of them. But it makes us happy because obviously snow if you don’t like snow snow breaks. Also we see our friends and there are more field trips.
“Like for a reason I’m right when I say:”The snowball hits us harder then we throw it”. We all play snow fight bu it comes back to us. Even tough I love winter and snow sometimes the only thing that snows comes with snow is madness or sadness. While all of us wants joy. I like making hot chocolate reading my book while watching snow. But the cold finds its way into our hearths. Also in 2. term teachers are harder to us. I’m a 7th grader and they say you are bassicaly 8.graders now. But about now last year I was a 7th grader. Why can’t I be my own level?!? Can a teacher explain this to me.
“I hope winter goes away, But this time you stay.”When winter stops and leaves spring comes flowers but more importantly our well deserved holiday. So even if we like it we want it to go away in a kind way. “Tomato patoto”. Altough we can’t stay with our friends. Even if we see each others once a week and talk everyday it is not the same.
Thank you for reading! See you next time.