Why Are We Afraid Of Artificial Intelligence?

 Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. It helps us with things like speech recognition, learning, planning, problem-solving. Briefly, anything can be considered artificial intelligence if it involves a program doing something that we would normally think would rely on the intelligence of a human. Despite its benefits, most of the people are afraid of it. But why are people so unnerved by the idea of AI?

Let’s discuss its pros & cons and decide whether its something that we should be scared of.

First of all, the fact that there is still so much that we don’t know about artificial intelligence is the thing we are most afraid of. Although lots of investigations and developments are made on AI, there is still a lot of obscurities. That is why not everyone is ready to welcome AI with open arms.


Negative feelings about AI can generally be divided into two categories: the idea that AI will doom the human race, and the idea that immoral people will use AI for evil purposes like wars.


In recent years, as computer scientists have pushed the boundaries of what AI can accomplish, leading figures in technology and science have warned about the looming dangers that artificial intelligence may pose to humanity, even suggesting that AI capabilities could doom the human race.


Also, some famous sci-fi movies and books have speculated about artificial intelligence (AI) that exceeds the expectations of its creators and escapes their control, eventually outcompeting and enslaving humans or targeting them for extinction.


In addition to that one of the prominent voices like Elon Musk told these at a meeting of the National Governors Association: “I have exposure to the very cutting-edge AI, and I think people should be really concerned about it.”

Moreover, Physicist Stephen Hawking, who died March 14, also expressed concerns about AI: “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.”


But also there are some logical reasons to believe that AI will be used to compete with us for jobs. Unemployment can be an issue for the next generations. Transformations in our economy will be necessary to ensure that profit generated by AI is fairly distributed across society.


To sum it all, AI is bringing a lot of advances to our world and we cannot neglect them. Because of the amount of data in our world, only the computing power of the cloud can make sense of it. AI can truly help solve some of the world’s most displeasing problems, from improving day-to-day communication to energy, climate, health care, transportation and more. This will be profoundly transformational for humans and for humanity.


As Weinberger suggested, the society would be more open to recognizing its benefits. Enhanced image-recognition algorithms, for example, could help dermatologists identify moles that are potentially cancerous, while self-driving cars could one day reduce the number of deaths from auto accidents, many of which are caused by human error.


Finally, we should not be that afraid of AI tough its risks. AI will not evolve overnight so we will have time to discuss and grapple with the development of these safeguards.


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