Who Is Right?

Is Nietzsche who says “Giving importance to yourself increases individuals’ dignity.” or Yunus Emre who says “Humility exalts human virtue.” right?

Firstly, both are incredible individuals who have contributed many significant ideas to humankind. However, specifically regarding these opinions, I find Nietzsche’s perspective more realistic and reasonable. To me, he is absolutely right about the relationship between valuing yourself and gaining respect among people. This is because people tend to pay attention to those who are self-improving and useful. Although being humble, respectful, and considerate are some of the core values, these qualities alone do not necessarily help one gain recognition or feel a sense of superiority.

In my opinion, people must know their worth and act accordingly, while also remembering the fundamental values that make us human. We should maintain good manners and remember that we all belong to the same species, but we also should not allow others to dominate or take advantage of us for no reason.

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