Which Games to Prefer

I ave been asked to choose from playing video games or playing traditional games with my friends. As a person who doesn’t really likes video games and loves spending time with his friends I would prefer playing with my friends. I said that I didn’t like video games and that is true but There are some games that are like holy for me. Star Wars, DC Comics and Marvel games are awesome if you ask me. Maybe it’s because I am a geek. I just can’t help my self if one of those brands publish a new game I immedialetly go ahead and buy that game.

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With that being said, which one should I choose? I like both playing with my friends and playing video games. So I decided to create an other option which is playing video games with ny friends. I have just did it today. I played Battlefront 2 Heroes versus Villains mod with my friend who is from İzmir today and it was so much fun. I think some video games are amazing because they let you possess your favourite characters from your favourite universes like the games I have put above. You can play as Spiderman if you like him. In Battlefront you can play as some of your favourite Star Wars characters. In Injustice 2 you can play as your favourite Dc characters. These are all so fun to play but playing with your friends is healthier both for your body and your mind. The best experience is playing the games you like with your friends so you should play online video games. That way you can both possess your favourite characters and spend time with your friends. The options were playing video games or playing with friends. I choose playing video games with my friends.

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