Where Is Your Place?

How does it feels like to live where you are? Do you feel happy, uncomfortable or peaceful? Our feeling can be changed by our places. If you are a metropolis person, you would feel uncomfortable while you are in a village or somewhere different than a big city. You can think where is important for you to live while you are reading my opinions. If you are ready, fasten your seatbelts and get ready to the trip.

Firstly I want to let you know where I am living now and where have I lived before. My mother and father were living in a big city since they were born. And this also caused me to born in a big city and also live in a big city. Even tough I wanted to go to a small place to live, my family was like “It would be hard for you to switch to a life to a small place after a big city.” I think I should talk about the advantages an disadvantages about both of the places to make a chart in your mind for if I should live in a metropolis or in a small place.

Metropolis has many advantages because of the opportunities around you. If you got sick, you are surrounded with the modern technology hospitals that you can go and be healed. Selecting somewhere to live is more easy because there are lots of new apartments and you can find the house that is like “built for you” and make at your comfort place. You can also select your place near the important places to make it easier for you to go to the market for example. Education is more easier in the metropolis. You have so many school choices that you can go. This can effect your whole life, so being careful while selecting your school is important for your future.

But there are disadvantages, too. There are more cars in the city that maked more air pollution which is not good for your lungs and your health. Traffic is one of the most common problem in the metropolis beacuse everyone tries to go to their work nearly at the same time which makes sense because ninety percent of the opening hours are the same, so this can cause car crashes. Having a private space can be difficult because people are living so close to each other that makes everyone knows the others life.

Small places feels like more peaceful and quiet. People who live there are more close to each other because of the less population and the close distances between the houses. You have more space to breathe, for example the outside areas are more wider and there are much more gardens that you can relax.

However, it is hard to acces the technology which is developing in the big cities. It can be also harder to go to some places because you are far away from them. For example you are very sick and you have to go to the hospital but the machine that you need is in the other hospital which is in the metropolis that makes sense because the hospitals in the metropolis has the most developed technology.

I hope that helped you to think more detailed about my opinion. If I think more clearly, I think that living in a metropolis is more suitable for me. Maybe I think like that because I spent my whole life in a metropolis but it has more advantages for me to live a comfortable life. Because for me I should access the important opportunities easily.

Now, it is my time to ask you, where is your place?

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