Where Is It?

It was 29th of October when me and my friends decided to go camping to calm our minds. Everybody in our friend group has long working hours so everybody thought it was a great idea. The camping site was around 15 miles away from our town. After everybody packed their bags we set out to camping site. The trip took about an hour and when we arrived everybody was thrilled to be there. But I didn’t know the things that is going to happen.

Right after we found a spot we set started setting our tents. The tent setting was quite tiring so after we finished we set our chairs and had a little chat. After some time we started discussing the chores we must do and who should do them. Cooking, cleaning and others were already decided and only chore left was to gather some firewood. Being the only one with no chore I was immediately selected. Eventhough I was scared I still went to the woods and started looking for some firewood. While I was walking through the beautiful but creepy trees I was looking around because I was genuinely scared. If it was dark I would’ve collapsed in the middle of the woods but thanks to daylight it was easy. While I was searching I found a spot which had a lot of firewood and made it easier and less time consuming. I gathered the firewoods and started returning to our campside. I walked through the road which just looked like the one I came from. After some time I started realising something strange. The road started to look nothing like around our camping site. That time I realised that I was lost and I started to panic. It was evening and the sun was about to drop so it was going be dark in a short time. After some time with my hearth pounding through my chest I started to think straight and tried to come up with a good solution. I searched through the things I brought with me whih could be usefull in this situation. We did not bring our phones because we wanted to be away from technology. Then I found the solution. I looked up to the sun and figured out the directions (west,east, north, south). Then I started walking to the northeast side of the forest because that was where the camping site was. After some nervous walking I finally saw my friends and the tents. They looked a bit worried but when they saw me they looked relieved. They told me that it took a long time for me to return and they thought someting bad happened to me. I laughed and explained what actually happened.

We laughed it off together and continued our day with a delicious meal. The next day I woke up with a really bad headache and when I stood up I was in shock. There were no tents, no friends. Just the forest…

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