What would it like to be live in a world where everyone agrees


Think about this a world where no one disagrees about anything, everyone has the same opinion and the same perspective on everything. Do you think it would be a peaceful place ? 


 I disagree with this kind of opinion because imagine , you are asking a friend their opinion on something whether they like it or don’t like it. That’s the thing about everyone having the same opinion on everything. It’s that they won’t have their opinion, it’s like you agree on every kind of view with everyone around you. No one would be able to have their own perspective so; you or them wont know if you are making the right or the wrong decision . This kind of life would be a peaceful one but at the same time it would be boring because ; there is no action taking place, no arguments, no different points of views which would kind of make everybody the same, no one would be unique.


Thinking about the effects this would have on human development and technological progress. 

There wouldn’t be much of a difference on anything since everyone agrees on everything,  so there wouldn’t be any development on anything. Think about it if everyone agreed on everything 20 years before now ; someone might have said that the technology has developed enough  and that we don’t need any change .we wouldn’t have any developed tvs , computers , phones , cars and  banks I could have listed so many more things it would just go on but there is something way more important than any of these.  The health industry would have just stayed like it was 20 years ago ; for example the cancer treatments 20 years from now it was so much harder to find out whether someone had cancer or not . Now it is so much easier also the treatment ways have gotten better like 20 years from now,  doctors might have not known the side effects to the medicines used to treat cancer but know they know the side effects.


So I think having different opinions is a good think,  because people can argue on it and decide on the best opinion and the best ways to do something but of course there will always be some people that just want to make trouble.  That’s the thing about everyone having their own opinion because of this there are variety of people with so many different characteristics which I think makes life enjoyable .

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