Some developments in artificial intelligence are reaching alarming levels. Experts say that some professions will disappear after a while. I think that is true. Some people think that artificial intelligence is going to replace some professions like architects, real estate agents, graphic designers, writers, teachers, lawyers and much more. I think artificial intelligence is going to replace jobs that don’t require emotions. What do I mean by that sentence? Jobs that don’t involve face to face contact with people are usually jobs that don’t require emotions. For example, a teacher teaches to the students and students have feelings but because of artificial intelligence doesn’t have feelings, it can’t truly understand the students’ feelings too. When a student cries because of her/his grades going bad, a human-teacher can console his/her feelings but a robot-teacher can’t. But it can be good to artificial intelligence replacing lawyers, because it can be fairer about some cases. And to be honest the same thing goes with the doctors too. Let’s assume that a surgeon has a risky patient and she/he has to save the patient. The surgeon already has a big pleasure on himself/herself which can make the surgery go even worse. And if the surgeon couldn’t succeed in the surgery, he/she will face worse consequences, like telling the patient’s family about the failed surgery. Can you even imagine that the surgeon could’ve felt? It can leave big psychological damages, such as traumas or etc. And now that I have mentioned the benefits of artificial intelligence but that doesn’t mean ai always makes our lives way much better. Like I said before, people will probably lose their jobs because of the ai. And this will occasionally create unemployed people, this situation will cause economic crises. However, this will offer other job opportunities for unemployed people. These days, artificial intelligence is affecting a big number of jobs across many industries. Such as health services, finance, education, production – logistics, retail and more. To summarize, artificial intelligence has both bad and good aspects. Ai has a big impact on people’s lives. Artificial intelligence will have a place in our lives whether we like it or not.

What Will Happen to the Jobs with AI?
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