Seting Our Viewpoint

Everyone has a different point of view on life but no one has the same point of view why do you think it’s like that? I think it has too many factors but one of the most important ones is the books we read. Think every book has a different point of view and if that point of view sorts together with your mindset then there is no way that that point of view won’t affect your point of view.

Every book is a different universe different adventures Every book is different from others and this means every book has a different point of view.  All of those points of view, do you really think that any of those won’t have any effect on your own point of view and mindset? Thats impossible. This doesn’t end with books only of course. Movies also have that much impact on people because as we know some people don’t have enough creativity, or imagination to make scenes in their heads. People make their idols mostly from movies like heroes, heroines, etc. People try to be like them and in the end, they have their point of view.

In short, the contents that we read watch, etc. affect our mindset and point of view.

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