What Is Happening on My Birthday???

Today is my birthday and today with my all family we will celebrate my birthday. Everyone came, we will eat the cake after five minutes. Now i will blow out the candles. Everyone said what is happening? I said i don’t know, but i will go and check outside. I’m looking everywhere but i can’t see anything, because everywhere is dark and when i’m looking outside someone came and take me to somewhere. I didn’t understand and I got a bit scared of it because they took me but they cover my head with sack and I understand they kidnapped me. When they open the sack I’m in the superhero workspace. I couldn’t believe it. They are saying me that can you do a work for us. But they said until you die you can not get out from work. I had a chance for this work. Why wouldn’t I expect it? I started the work yesterday and my job is being a super hero. I don’t want this but i have some powers and this power can make me whatever i want to be (Only super hero). Because of work i couldn’t see my family, i can’t even celebrate my birthday properly. In here normal telepohenes aren’t working. But i’m happy about my life and i will be happy for my all life. SUPER LOVE TO YOU ALL BYE <3

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