What I did at winter break

There were not a lot of things I did at winter break to be honest but out of all the things me and my family did at winter break is that we went to a dog shelter! Which for me was the happiest I have ever been since I love dogs! there were a lot of poor puppy’s and dogs there, some of them were injured and some of them were fine but there were all so cute at that moment I just wished I could’ve adopted them. the dog keeper showed us some dog’s the first ones legs were messed up so much to the point where he could only crawl to us but he was super loving and friendly, the second one was a huge blonde dog who seemed to love pets but also wanted to be left alone, he was also lovely and very adorable, the third one however had a lot of scars and was scared of us, the staff told us that the poor guys was abused and than left by his last owner, the poor guys didn’t even fully trust the staff I was heartbroken since the dog had a lot of scars. We also went to a dog trainer area that was owned by one of my uncle’s college friend, the guys was super nice and he gave us some tips if we ever wanted to adopt a dog which my dad had been thinking for an while, at first my dad wanted an border collie since those types of dogs were small but he completely changed his mind when my uncle’s friend let out an border collie and the dog ran about a ten to fifteen laps between two trees which had an two meter radius in about thirty seconds, my dad’s border collie obsession ended right there. For the other things we also did that winter break was go to my grandparent’s house which I like since I can help out my grandma on chores, my grandma just likes to do things but she doesn’t realize that there is an limit to the things she can do so I try and help her but of course she doesn’t listen and continuous to do the things that can hurt her but yeah that’s all I did in the winter break of course I did my homework and study too but that would’ve been boring to tell, I sadly don’t have any photos since ı don’t take photos that often but yeah thank you for reading sorry for the late sent.

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