What does ‘success’ mean?

In the modern era, the definition of success changes from person to person. For some people, it is doing something extraordinary, for others achieving your goals and for some it is doing something for the good of the society. There is an ongoing debate whether it is success to enter the guiness book of records or getting a Nobel prize for your work. I totally agree that getting a Nobel prize for your work is a real success due to many reasons. This essay will explain the reasons of it in detail.

To begin with, in my opinion success can be defined as something which is helpful for some people in the World. When we look at the Nobel prize winners, they all do something for the society. They find some solutions for an illness or do something for peace or write a very successful novel. For instance, Aziz Sancar is a very important Turkish professor who did scientific research about mechanistic studies of DNA repair. There are other examples of Nobel prize winners who gave efforts to combat with hunger or did studies about astronomy, physics, medicine or chemistry.

On the other hand, entering Guiness book of records is nothing to do with helping the people. It is related with talents which may be inborn or acquired. I personally think that it is not success. In the Guiness book of records, there are so many extra ordinary talents which is not beneficial to the society. They are talents and unusual, however, if something does not contribute to the society, it is nothing to do with achievement.

In conclusion, ‘success’ today can only be defined as something which is for the benefit of the society. There are so many things that we do not know. People who try to do something to make the unknowns known will be successful. Nobel prize winners are those people who make the world a better place. These people are chosen among hundreds of thousands of people and they never die, they will always be remembered with their achievement done for the good of the society.

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