What a Shame

“Yesterday feels like a year ago but I don’t want to let anybody know because everybody want something from me now and I don’t want to let them down.” said Billie Eilish. This “I don’t want to let them down” thing was the biggest pressure on him for his whole life. It still is. He can feel it in his every particle, especially around his neck. He acts like it is not at there and giving this dealing job to the future he. Present he is thinking that this is a genius idea but he will never understand that the future he will never ever come. I think he won’t stop to be in this loop until this pressure will choke him to death.

But why? Why does he doing this to himself? Who wants feel this pressure through his whole life? I know why. Because he doesn’t want to be called “stupid”. He make what you want for his whole life because he doesn’t want to let you down, because he is a good person. You can’t say mistakes won’t make him stupid. Yes you can’t say because it is a lie. You are just believing a lot of lies and this is just one of them. You are saying this and acting like he killed someone at his first mistake. You are contradicting yourself. Let’s make this situation concrete. Think about a baby, just a baby that doesn’t know anything. When this baby is just sitting and doing something cute you act like “I love babies they are so cute.” because that is what you want and you got it so you are happy but when it comes to baby is crying you are staying away from the baby and getting angry to baby because the baby cried, where did the baby-lover you go? If you love something you will be next to it at every time, not just at its good times.

This pressure made him very sensitive to everything, especially prejudice. He thinks like “Show me some prejudice and I will move the world.” but you’re still approaching him with a high prejudice. Even I feel guilty, how can you not feel? You cannot know what did he go through. Just one word can make him cry but you are still judging him by his clothes, his walk, his talk and even his breathing. How can a human do this? Oh sorry I forgot that you are not a real person, you are just a robot. A robot which just works for judging people. What a shame.

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