Why do we destroy nature when it gives us so many gifts? Nature gives us everything we need to survive: water, food, medicinal plants, building materials… We have moved away from nature due to our modern lifestyles, and now, aren’t we being plagued by a virus called Covid-19?

Naturally, most people’s mental health and balance got destroyed when they were away from both nature and other people. Once again, the solution to this situation is nature. Nature is like a therapy for people, filling with the joy of life in every moment. Every moment we are filled with the joy of life, our liveliness increases and we feel at peace. This is not the only positive aspect of staying in nature, it also regulates blood pressure and heart rate, contributes to muscle tension and the production of anti-stress hormones. We humans always look for a solution to a problem, but the solution to this problem is always nature. Therefore, all we need to do to find a solution is to spend time in nature and appreciate it.

Nature protects us for free, but if we do not protect nature, there will be no nature left to protect us. Let’s always treat nature well and protect it.

As Aşık Veysel said, “My faithful half is black soil.”


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