Was This A Blackmail?

It was a snowy day in Milan, Italy. On the streets, some people were walking, enjoying the snow, and throwing some snowballs to each other. Georgia was on these streets, too. She was trying to get to the work on time. When she reached the parking area, her phone started to ring. The phone call was from her brother, Fernando. Georgia a little bit surprised since her brother does not call her easily, she thinks that it could be an emergency. So, she stopped the car and opened her phone. Then Fernando quickly interrupted her and said “Come to the hospital near our street. My father got sick.” Georgia became nervous. His brother had an imperturbable characteristic. Nevertheless, that time his voice was coming uneasy. There cannot be an emergency. There must be an emergency.

Georgia immediately went to the hospital and found her dad’s room. She entered the room and start a conversation in Italian with her mother “What happened? Why did he get sick?”. Her mom, Martina, answered “Your dad had eaten peanut. You know that he is allergic to peanut. His situation was getting worser. We brought him to hospital and doctors did cortisone injections. Now he is much better”. Then Fernando came, he seemed doubtful. He said, “I found a piece of paper in my pocket that said ‘Call me now!’ On the crumpled paper, there was also a number whose last digit had been wiped out.”

Martina quickly said, “Give me the paper. Let me look at that number.” Before Fernando could give permission, she grabbed the paper and examine the number. Georgia abruptly showed her phone to her mother and brother. Somebody was calling, it was an unknown number which matches the number on the paper.

Martina was excited, she directly said “Open it!” Fernando said “Mom! Be calm. Why are you so excited?” Martina answered immediately due to her repartee “It could be about your father. How could he eat peanut. You know that we are very obsessed about what your father eats and take great care to not get any food that contains walnut into the house. So, this may be a blackmail.”. Georgia and her family were a rich family, they had a great fortune. Besides, in business world her father had some enemies. Because of these reasons, Georgia did not find her mother’s opinion unrealistic. His brother was even convinced.

Georgia opened the phone there was nobody talking on the phone but suddenly a muffled male voice and he was grumbling “You always freak me out. Oh, where is my phone?” Then, Martina closed the phone. Georgia could not understand what her mother tries to do. She said, “One thing you say does not keep what you say.” Martina explained “Look, I know him he works in our house. He is our servant, Alessandro.” Fernando could not stand it and he said “These are all theories. Nothing happened to my father he is resting in the room. And please mom, do not make stories up.

When Georgia and Fernando came to house they were very tired. Their father had to stay in the hospital for one night as a precaution. So, Martina would stay in the hospital as a companion, too. Fernando went to the kitchen to eat something. And as he went to kitchen, he called to Georgia. Georgia went to near of his brother. They were both shocked. There is a cake on the table. In the cake there is walnut. Georgia said that “Mom could be true. This can be a blackmail to my father. Our suspect might not be the servant but might be the cook.” They call their mum quickly.

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