
When I came home from school one day, there was a strange smell in the house, but I didn’t pay attention to it and went straight to my room. Our house had three floors, but we never went down to the basement. A few hours later, my parents came home looking very tired. When I asked my mom why, she said it was due to a secret operation and that she wouldn’t be able to pay attention to me. However, I felt like they were lying because when I called the police station after school, they told me my parents hadn’t shown up for work that day. I didn’t tell them about it until everything was clear; I waited for them to explain the situation to me.

Three days later, as I was about to go to bed, I smelled that heavy scent again. I went downstairs to find out what the smell was, and I asked my mom. She seemed a bit nervous and said it might be garbage odor, but I was sure it wasn’t. I didn’t care much and went back to my room. Before going to bed, I looked through our library to read a book, and I found a box. Inside the box there

was a shiny-covered book that reminded me of my childhood diary. I decided to read it, but as soon as I opened it, I realized it wasn’t my diary. It seemed like a very interesting book with funny stories and a murder case. I immediately went to show it to my mom, and she aggressively took the book from me, asking where I found it. I was shocked by her aggressive behavior, and I asked why she was so upset. She just said not to read such simple books, which surprised me, and I went back to my room.

The next day when I woke up, my parents had already left and left me a note saying they would be gone for three days and that I would stay with my grandmother. I wasn’t too surprised because they were police officers, so there might have been an emergency. However, I wasn’t going to stay with my grandmother; they wouldn’t understand anyway.

In the evening, I heard strange sounds coming from the basement, but since it was locked, I didn’t think much of it and continued doing my homework.

The morning came, and the same smell was there, but it was so strong that I couldn’t bear it. I rushed out of the house and called the police. A team was called to find out the cause of the smell. We managed to enter the basement, and there, lying dead, was a girl two years older than me…

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