Waiting For…

Your final decision? Are you going to solve all this by leaving a whole city behind? So, all right, go to the southwest, leave the seas late, leave a city, open a distance between us for continents, it doesn’t matter, it’s okay. I won’t wave, I won’t cry when you leave, “Maybe one day it will come.” I will not wait for you every day. We haven’t been happy already and my future plan is to keep that up. The world did not pity us, and it will not pity ever again. We were hurt a lot by those, we forgot all of them now. Those days when we cried for days are just an old story now. Normally, I was the main character of the story, I couldn’t even do it, they made me an extra. Even my own life was played by someone else instead of me. I just passed by behind. You can go too, in a few days I’ll forget you too. Just do not forget that if you come here again, you may not find me, do not be afraid, ask the sea, it will know where I am.

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