Visual Mass

This literal mass of visual imagery, along with half a billion tweets, countless texts, billions of WhatsApp messages, and every other bit and byte of information we’ve created, may be making our planet slightly heavier, according to calculations made a few years ago by University of Portsmouth physicist Melvin Vopson.

Without a ton of evidence, it’s a bizarre idea that is unlikely huge be adopted. Vopson has put out an experiment based on antimatter explosions that could help persuade the scientific community that information might not only have mass, but also constitute a novel type of matter. Understanding information theory is difficult. Information can be applied to non-digital items, such as features that instruct particles how to behave. We can readily envision downloading a code of ones and zeros that instructs our computer what sounds and visuals to display. This makes it a crucial element in explaining things like the degree of organization and energy fluctuations that make up a system.

The German-American scientist Rolf Landauer projected a minimal energy shift for deleting information from any kind of system in the early 1960s. Although it may seem like a tiny realization, the ramifications are significant because they establish a basic connection between the loss of information and the release of heat radiation.Landauer’s theories were supported by experiments over the years, even at the quantum level, indicating that there may be some truth to the idea that information transition involves a basic quantity of energy. All of the information we create every day adds a tiny but non-zero quantity of mass to the earth, according to Vopson’s interpretation of Einstein’s reckoning. If we also consider this basic change in energy, it should be equivalent to a change in mass. If taken to its logical conclusion, the exponential growth of cat videos, Wikipedia articles, Twitter fights, and TikTok vehicle singalongs would have some shocking effects in the far future. Unrestricted digital expansion would result in a large increase in costs, not to mention that we might run out of storage space for all that data. In fact, according to some experts, the weight of our digital bits may surpass the weight of all the atoms on Earth in 350 years. Leaving aside doomsday scenarios of an information crisis, such a theory might, in some cases, alter the way we compute mass, leading to new theories that might help us understand the characteristics of dark matter.

For the time being, we are still unable to detect the exceedingly minute changes in mass that are predicted for today’s information-dense storage devices, so we can only classify the concept as “interesting to think about.” However, Vopson’s new experiment, which would apply Landauer’s prediction to elementary particles, might change all of that. An electron would theoretically emit a predictable spectrum of energy in the spray of photons released upon colliding with its antimatter counterpart, the positron, if we assume that an electron’s total mass is made up of its intrinsic resting energy and a very small amount of information about itself.

Although an electron’s mass is 22 million times smaller than its information, according to Vopson, we can quantify the amount of information in an electron by erasing it. “We are aware that matter and antimatter particles completely destroy one another when they collide. Additionally, when a particle is destroyed, its information must go somewhere.” It would be more accurate to think of information as a type of energy contained within particles rather than as another characteristic of thermodynamics within a larger system if one were to look for the very specific wavelengths of radiation produced by the annihilation of an information-rich electron. It might also count as a new kind of physical condition to discover some kind of intrinsic, information-based energy component as a fundamental aspect of matter.Atoms can combine to create solids, move as gases and liquids, disperse as plasmas, and harmonize to form Bose-Einstein condensates, but they can also lessen chaos by carrying information.

The concept will continue to be a contested, if attractive, idea until the experiment is carried out. However, if it proves to be accurate, the repercussions might be extremely severe.

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