
Ana Santos, who has devoted her life to art, lives in her sister’s house, but this situation makes her sister and her husband very uncomfortable and they are unhappy that Ana does not have her own home.One day Ana leaves the house after a fight with her brother-in-law and sister.An upcoming event at the art center of the company Erwins she catches the eye of her boss Claire by noticing a small detail at the auction.
The next morning she wakes up to a phone call from her boss telling her to get ready for London, much to the delight of her sister and brother-in-law, and Ana is excited to fly to London, where she accidentally meets William, the son of a wealthy London family, and they chat throughout the flight.Ana tells William that she is the manager of Erwins as a result of a misunderstanding and William is impressed, which makes Ana feel even worse.When the flight is over, Ana is momentarily upset when she sees that she has a small amount in her pocket.Just then, William’s mother Catherine comes to her aid and tells her that they can drop Ana off.William is surprised by Ana and Catherine’s good understanding.
Ana learns that her boss is leaving for an urgent crisis in Rome, and with Claire’s evil assistants, she has more work on her hands.Meanwhile, she realizes that she left her computer bag in William’s car and goes to Catherine’s birthday party in the evening.At home, she sees famous love paintings and tells Catherine about her imagination.Catherine says that she will sell them to Erwins, the company where Ana works, and says that she will think about it again and even wants Ana to be the head of this sale.Ana, who is cornered, saves the situation by adding lies to lies.Ana, who takes care of most of the boss’s work thanks to William and Catherine, spends days full of love both at work and with William.
When Claire finds out that Ana is impersonating her, she is furious and fires Ana, but when she gets the news that Catherine won’t sell her love paintings, the tables are turned and Ana’s connection to Catherine is revealed. Meanwhile, Ana, who has broken up with William, thinks she has come to the end of the road and tells Catherine that she is a liar.Catherine, to everyone’s surprise, says that she knows she is pretending and that her offer attracts more money.Catherine, who says that she sees the light of art in Ana and that she will try to make sure that she does not lose this light, says that she will accept the offer on the condition that Ana takes over the Erwins directorate.

Ana takes over the business and her love paintings sell for a record price. Having fixed her business, Ana goes to talk to William to fix it, but William’s firm and clear decision deeply upsets Ana.
She returns to New York and 6 months later she opens her own art gallery and becomes a magical artist, but her mind and thoughts are on William. On the opening day, she suddenly sees William behind her and throws herself into his arms with longing and love.
The main reason why I love this movie is that even from nothing, great miracles can be born. Even if our plans change throughout our lives, we should fight for our goals, so that we can be both a happy and successful person.


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