Unspoken Words and Longing

One day everything ends, but the traces of unsaid words remain. One day, everything that ends leaves a mark, not just words. We start everything in life knowing that one day it will end. We go to a new school knowing we will graduate one day, we fill our plate knowing we will finish the food, or we meet someone knowing they will eventually leave our lives.

While we are living these moments, the end seems far away, as if it will never come. We don’t think about graduating until the last day of high school, or we don’t imagine finishing the food when we fill our plate. But the real problem is not that everything ends. The problem is that because we think there is no end, we sometimes delay things, ignore them, or simply not do them. We act as if the end will never come. This brings regrets, “what if” and some mark.

 Lets return to what I said in the beginning… we talked about the traces of words never said. If I think about my own life, I don’t have a word that left a mark on me because I didn’t say it. But when I think about this topic, I remember my mother. It’s a simple example, but I realized I never even told her that I love her. We live in different cities now, and even if we don’t talk, I miss being in the same house with her. Right now, I don’t have a mark. I haven’t said this to her, but if one day my relationship with her ends, I know that these unsaid words will leave a mark on me.

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