Unforgettable Day

Every year on my birthday my family used to gather and celebrate it together. But since my mom died, nine months ago, my sister wouldn’t speak to me. She ignored my calls and my messages. When my birthday came, I was scared she wouldn’t come so I didn’t invite her. I wanted to celebrate it with my friends for the first time ever. I invited eight teachers from the school where I work, and my best friend Arina.

The night of my birthday we were drinking at my house. At midnight they brought me a huge cake that had twenty-six candles on it. They turned the lights off and whatever happened, it happened when I blew out the candles. I felt a pain on my head and I was knocked down immediately. When I woke up, I was tied to a chair. I noticed everyone was tied except Daphne who lied on the floor awkwardly still. A guy who was wearing a doctor’s jacket walked into the room staring at the ground. He kind of reminded me of someone. He started talking, he had a smooth calming voice. He mumbled something but I didn’t understand what he said. I don’t think he realized that I was awake. He kept working with some kind of experiment. An old man came in and said “How’s it going? Boss is coming to check soon.”. The guy doing the experiment said that everything was going according to the plan and none of the subjects were awake. I closed my eyes in case they turn their heads and see me. When the old man was gone, I had an opportunity to observe the man. When I looked at him, I figured out where I knew him from. He was the chemistry teacher from my sister’s old school. I wondered who was the ‘boss’ and what was the experiment. About thirty minutes later a woman came in the door, she took a syringe from the table and said “The last batch was no good, I’m assuming you worked harder on this one.”. When she started talking, I was shocked cause that voice was really familiar. It took me a second but that voice was my sisters. When I lifted my head, she looked at me and saw that I wasn’t unconscious. She yelled at the man and he put me to sleep. When I woke up, again, I was in an interrogation room with my sister sitting on the other chair. I started talking, “What do you want from me?” and she explained everything to me. They were doing an illegal experiment for eight months about a virus and it was extremely dangerous.

I was scared to my core. I wanted to yell but my mouth wasn’t working. She said if I promised I wouldn’t report them to the cops she would let me go. I wanted some time to think but I needed to get out of there and I said okey she let all of us go. I ran to the closest police station as soon as possible and reported them. When they got there, they couldn’t find anything the place was swept out. They told me not to worry and they would call me when they found them. I never heard from them again.

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