Unfair Life

How cruel life is. Some people are born in a rich family, while others are born in a poor family. Some of them work and earn money with their own labor, while others’ families will never let them work and earn money, saying, “Sit at home and serve your husband!” says. They ruin their children’s lives because of money from a man. The man beats his wife and threatens her every day. Families, on the other hand, say to this situation, “He is your husband, if he wants he can hit you.” he responds by saying. This is how violence against women starts and women’s lives become hell. As you can see, because of this cruel and unfair life, some people live with a beautiful family, while others live a terrible life because of their family’s greed.

They say that there is a tradition that has been going on in Anatolia since time immemorial; to put the shoes of the person who lost his life in front of the door by pointing outside. According to some, this tradition is done to remove death from the house, while according to others, it is done to make it clear that someone from the family has lost their life.

This photo was taken by Vahit Tuna in 2018. Each pair of shoes symbolizes the women who cruelly lost their lives due to male violence during that year. The hundreds of women who have lost their lives are really incredible, it makes one very sad even to think about it. Unfortunately, many people commemorate these women who lost their lives only with numbers, they just share it on social media and forget about the event.

Imagine yourself in a room with hundreds of shoes. There are too many of them. Now imagine a woman in every couple. Imagine hundreds of women looking at you like that in that room…

I don’t want to live in a world where men commit violence against women, I wish all these evils would disappear, I wish women would be happier, I wish men wouldn’t commit violence against women, I wish I could do magic and turn the world into a more beautiful place.

Just like in this painting, people can be interested in art to express their feelings. Some of them shout and sing, while others take out their anger on paper. I think Vahit Tuna did this. In other words, this painting is a picture that Vahit Tuna also drew to express his sadness.

To come together for our big pain, candle light, black clothes to wear, to cry, to sing,  our moves, and the most important thing is to hug each other and cry… if we don’t do these things, we won’t feel comfortable. If we share our feelings with people, it will be better for everyone and we will feel happier. It is not very possible to get rid of sadness, but if sadness heals us, we will always be stronger in our future. Just like when a woman loses her life because of a man

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