Understanding the wrong life

With the first tv being invented in September 7 1927 it has become a part of our life. In our daily life basis we watch tv with lots of intentions; some of them being to entertain ourselves, learn new things such as recipes or about wildlife by documentaries. But in our century the part of entertaining ourselves has become a lot more.

With the need of being entertained, a so called genre has been born, reality shows or tv series. It can sometimes be not harmful for us because of our brain understanding the fake part, act part or we can say.

Looking at our country we have made a lot of tv series that reach numerous of people. To give example we can say “Yasak elma”, “Ask-I memnu” which has more romantic themes, for more violent ones you can say series such as “Cukur”, and if we add history in these genres we come to series such as “Muhtesem yuzyil” or “Dirilis ertugrul”. To be honest I don’t have any problems with these series, some can be very good but some can affect children, in a harmful way.


Well these series of course have age restrictions, for some good reason but the thing is that people don’t listen to it. Even when I was younger I remember watching series which clearly had age restriction, and the problem comes from this point.

Some of these series have a lot of scenes, where there is things such as abuse, or scenes where they took this abuse to a level where I wanted to vomit myself. And these series divide too, one being summer series where there is the typical girl which is very similar to the girl heroes in Disney for a decade now. The other being the winter series where you can see a variety of abuse, to mostly minor girls or to their wife’s. This is point where it gets worse, we can’t deny that our country has something like child brides, but these series do not support this topic! They just show how to stay quiet for everything. To think that child’s watch this, with a brain that cannot detect if somethings bad they just get influenced by this very easily.

Or the families where sadly there is abuse it influences the child to think this is normal and you have no other choice than staying quiet.

Sadly people does not do anything about it, they just let the people who are saying that they are creating an “awareness” money, also the opportunity to create more series like that. Manipulating the future of kids.

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