The deserts, the mountains or the glaciers… These are the places storytellers talk about the people who decided to go on a journey under their star’s guidance. Although many went on the journey, only a few of them ever came back.
One week ago, it was my turn to go. My mother warned me not to go and told me I couldn’t embark on a journey like this. Maybe she was right, maybe not, but I can’t know that until I complete this journey. First there was a choosing ceremony; every 18-year-old would write their name in a draw where someone who has completed their journey would pick who was next to go. This year I was chosen. I started with finding my star; it was hard, and I had a few sleepless nights, but after a couple of days I found it. Next there was finding my path; it was easier to do because I only needed to reflect the star onto the map, and I would have my path to follow.
And after a complete week, I am ready to go on the adventure. I started walking a few hours ago, but still I have travelled a great distance. In the nighttime, I am going to get my star’s advice and go on with my quest. People who have completed their quest guide me through my path, and people who fail protect my soul through all the challenges I have to face.