Two Mindsets

Everyday I take a bus to g oto the library to work. I come home at 9 pm to see my family and have some lunch. Their house is in front of my house so it is easy to travel between them. Like everyday I went back home from work and something strange happened.

I came home and fed my fish and after some time I went to sleep. When I woke up It felt like it was normal but I understand that the things that i put yesterday changed places. It seemed wierd but I didn’t care that much. When I looked in through the window, I could see my family and the whole family was sitting around the table, eating and talking. All of a sudden my phone rang. It was my boss. He was so angry and he wanted me there as quickly as posible. I took the bus and went straightly there. When I entered the library my eyes were blurry. Sudently I opened my eyes. I was on the ground and there were no one in the library. Not even the boss. Later that they I went back home after the incident and I remembered that me and my familya re going to have a dinner on Sunday. I checked the calender and the dinner was tomorrow. I was very excited and I quickly went to sleep. I woke up to the sound of the birds. I was happy to have dinner with my family. I get out of bed quickly to have my breakfast. Then when I went to feed my fish I found him dead. It was very strange. Then I called my family to get information about the dinner. But they said that the dinner was two days ago and they were very angry at me because I did not came to the dinner. I was in shock. I went to wash my face. Then my reflection started to talk to me. I was going to pass out. Then I rushed to my bed. I was very scared. Then the guy in the mirror talked to me in my brain and explained everything.

In conclusion I learned that my body was beeing controled by two mindsets. The first one died so long ago but he managed to survive. He was alive but there was one thing. In his body there were me too. When I went to sleep our when I fainted out. He was in control and he was doing his stuff. I still can’t handle this thing but life goes on.


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