Turks and Caicos Islands

Everything was normal until that day. We woke up like every day, went to work, school, went on trips, maybe we said goodbye to our family for the last time. So what happened that day? At 14:03, all of Turkey was shaken very violently for a moment.
Even though this tremor lasted only 1 minute, it was quite enough to destroy houses, schools, workplaces and factories. What about the intensity of this earthquake? Rest assured, the situation was so bad that no one was even curious enough to investigate the magnitude of the earthquake. Since the Aegean region was on the fault line, that region suffered the most damage. The region where this turmoil in the country was most intense was again the Aegean region. Turkey had not been so shaken for a long time. Until that day, no one was even aware of how devastating a natural disaster the earthquake was. What about after? How were these big and deep wounds healed? How long did it take? Everyone had the same questions on their minds. Let’s travel a little more in time and find out the answers to these questions. First of all, the most general judgment we can say took a long time to recover. It had been 7 months, but people were still miserable, but there was a situation that no one noticed for a long time. It’s a very serious situation.
Turks and Caios Islands. Not a very small part of the Aegean had become an island due to the earthquake. When they realized this, it became clear in the questions why the bodies of missing people have not been found all this time. They started sending aid as soon as they realized this. The death toll on the island was quite high. Thanks to the aid provided, the reason for the connection of Turks and Caicos Islands and Turks, which are now urbanized and reached a distance of 10000 km from today’s Turkey with natural factors, has been clarified.

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