Türkiye’s Most Special Day

Today is September 29, 1923. Everyone has started counting down for the declaration of the Republic. Atatürk had set his mind on declaring the Republic and he was going to do it, and we, as a people, were so proud and excited because we had been waiting for this moment for years. We lost all our relatives. As a result, we became close to each other, family here.

Ataturk’s team was taking faster and more confident steps than ever before. As I said, we lost all our relatives, but in the end it was the best thing for this country. It was all to keep our future generations alive in the best possible way and not to leave Turkey in the hands of foreigners, and there were only 3 weeks left until the declaration of the republic.

Even the date was clear when they would declare the republic. 29 October 1923. Everyone was looking forward to this day. Preparations had already started. Of course, everything was not over. They were still doing their best to take the country from us. There were those who gave up. There were still those who did not learn their lesson. But most of them had learned their lesson and withdrew. On top of that, the ceasefire was signed. but there were those who did not retreat and still wanted to take over Turkey. We were going to respond to them in the bes

t way on October 29, 1923. There was nothing they could do anymore, but as I said, we were still continuing our preparations and work against them, there were still conflicts in certain regions and we We were going to those conflict areas and doing our best for our homeland.


The days continued to pass like this. The war had already begun to lose its effect since we started to decide on the declaration of the Republic, and now everyone was on their way to the parliament on October 22, 1923. Tomorrow the republic would be declared and all the people would be there. Finally, that day came, October 29, 1923. Everyone was enthusiastic. We can say that everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they welcomed Atatürk. That day was the best day for Turkey. It was really very important to take this step and we succeeded. From now on, the 29th of October was declared a holiday in the whole country and it would be celebrated with enthusiasm every year. Thank you Ataturk, thank you Türkiye…

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