Trip To Treasure Island

Once upon a time there was a man named Paul Wilson. He was very strong and smart. One day while he was going home, he sat on a bench. He sat and started to eat a sandwich. He fell down his bread. When he was taking the sandwich, he found a book. There was a paper inside the book. He opened the paper, and he thought it is a map.
He took that paper to his home. At home he looked all milliammeters of the paper and he found two book names. The next day he went to library. He looked at books and he found the other parts of the seventy fourth page. The first book’s map was in the seventy fourth page, too. That night his nephew came to his home. When his uncle Paul was in the toilet he went to his room. He saw the maps. When Paul Wilson left the toilet, he asked what those maps were. Paul said “I think they are maps of a treasure island. They changed places of the maps, but they couldn’t find anything. Finally, they found a corner. Then they searched that picture on internet. They learned that island’s name was Bermuda Triangle. They took some information like: Bermuda Triangle, the area in the Atlantic Ocean where many planes and ships were lost in the past.
Next day they went to a pier that there were air and water vehicles. They tried to go there with a helicopter for four hundred dollars. But all the helicopter pilots and their assistants knew the legend. But one of the helicopter pilots and his assistant accepted to fly the helicopter. Then, they took their belongings and went to Bermuda Triangle. When they went near the Bermuda Triangle, they saw big waves and a tornado around the island. The pilot should have gone to the island. When they went near the island the helicopter started to swing. Their stomachs came to their mouths. At the end, they were in the island. They saw very long trees, large insects and a man that named Christopher Jones. They met with him. He knew that island very well. He has been there for six years. He said there was a treasure and creatures. He said the treasure was at the top of the mountain. But there were three dangerous steps to take the treasure. They started to look for the treasure. The first step was taking an egg of a large lizard. But they should have been so quick. Because the lizard was looking for his eggs too carefully. His nephew was the fastest person in that group. He took the egg and started to run. The lizard saw them and ran after them. Paul Wilson threw a big stone to the lizard. They were in the second step. The second step was opening the door with the egg and passing between the snakes. There were a lot of snakes and only one way to go. The snakes were sleeping. They should be so quiet. They started to walk. The assistant stepped on a thin wood. All the snakes woke up and went near to the group. They ran and closed the door with an old stone. The third step was passing the large octopus and taking the treasure. There was a sail and an octopus. The helicopter pilot knew a way to hypnotize the octopus with a flute. They went while the pilot was playing the flute. They escaped like this. At the end they went to the beach and went to their home.
Finally they were very rich.


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