Treasure Hunt

Since our childhood, Kaan and I have always been going to the beach and collecting seashells, I don’t know why, I think we thought we would find

something valuable, but we have never found anything valuable since our childhood. Nowadays, Kaan and I founded a big company and started excavating all

over the world. The most valuable thing we have found so far is It is a 5-millimeter-long diamond and the value of this diamond is 10 thousand TL, maybe

more, but finding that diamond was not enough for us, we wanted something more valuable, not because we were greedy, we just wanted to realize our childhood

dream. But one day something unexpected happened. Kaan and I went to Africa to do excavations because there are many valuable substances in the underground

resources of the African continent and we want to extract them. On the first day of excavation, we found not much, two pieces of gold and that’s it, the

second promised a little progress because we found a chest full of gold, which looked like it was 2000 years old and the contents of the chest were worth

about 20 thousand dollars. This made us very happy, but we had not yet reached what we really wanted to achieve. Then we realized that this part of Africa

is not very productive, so we decided to change location and after our 2-day journey, we reached Egypt from the Congo and continued our excavations here.

I was excavating in a different place. He hit something and I immediately called Kaan and said: Kaan, can you look quietly and slowly at the ground? Am I

mistaken, or is there a golden bracelet right under my foot?’  Kaan said no, my friend, you are not wrong, there is a real gold bracelet underneath and do you

know whose bracelet this is? I answered no and Kaan said, I understood from the snake and lion motifs on Cleopatra’s bracelet that this bracelet is worth at

least 70 thousand dollars and at that moment Kaan and I could not hide our happiness. Because we had finally achieved our childhood dream, we had found

something very valuable.

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