Traditional and Social Media

Is traditional media or social media is better?  We need to look this situation at two different perspectives. The first one is reliability and the second one is effectiveness. If we need to look what is traditional and social media, traditional media is the media that before the internet. It is usually one way comunication like newspapers or magazines. In different way social media is a media that is after internet and people can communicate with each other and text or comment with themselves about a topic different from traditional one.

In my opinion definitely social media is way stronger than traditional media at effectiveness one. Because in traditional media as I said people cant communicate other peoples opinion at news or magazines so they cant get a point that they can discuss about the situation but in social media people can communicate with each other so in a different way they are getting more stronger with each of the person who joins that discuss. This allows to do stronger new that effect this situation more deeply. But in reliability the traditional social media is more reliable than social media. In traditional media people are seeing that topic in reliable and big communicates which they can rely on them. For example in Turkey if you see a topic that published and discussed in Hürriyet or Milliyet Gazetesi people will rely on them quite easily. But in social media some people use its strength to spread their false thoughts and this way social media is becoming more unreliable platform. One people or site saying different thing about that topic and other one is saying way different thing. Sometimes this allows to discuss this topic in different kinds of perpectives and do that topic more effective but usually this is just doing things much complex to understand its real purpose. I usually use social media to get informations because you can discuss and learn the truth with reliable persons but if you don’t know this tricks that you can leanr the truth I recommend you that you need to use traditional media that is more reliable.

So shortly traditional and social media has their own strengthness and weak sides. In my opinion social media is more stronger than traditional media but traditional media is more reliable so if you know the reliable sides of social media use it but if you don’t you need to look that topic in traditional media

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