
Today I will talk about totems. First, I had a totem in football match.  If I dream my support team, we can’t  win. Second totem is for computer games. If we play a tower game with boys and my brother says die and me and my friends die. The third totem is about  football (Greatest Sport)  If my right foot got cramp my teammates got injury and they were swearing to me and I need to say what can I do?. Fourth totem is not so real but it’s a totem. If I am sick, I need to go to the bakery because if I go to the bakery my mom finds money. For example, once I went to the bakery my mom found money like 1 TL. The last totem is again about money. If I get injured, our family gets money, but this is a big money like daily salary of Elon Musk. That’s the end of my blog.




















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