Tools To Live

It was a sunny day, and Madie, along with her friends, was headed to a camp in Canada. They were dividing tasks, and Madie’s responsibility was to collect wood for the night fire. They planned to roast marshmallows and share scary stories. However, things took a turn for the worse when Madie got lost in the forest. She was frightened because the forest was teeming with wild animals. Despite her efforts to find her way back, she couldn’t. Her only option was to build a shelter for the night.

Firstly, she needed a small shelter, as the weather forecast predicted rain that night. For this, she gathered palm tree leaves, long, damp woods, and searched for rope. Although she couldn’t find any rope, she noticed vines entwined around trees, which she decided to use instead.

After some time, she constructed a shelter and pondered on how to stay warm. While daytime temperatures were bearable, nighttime posed a challenge, as she didn’t know when her friends would find her. To address this, she extended the roof to protect the leaves from burning when she lit a fire.

Lastly, she needed food. She devised a plan to fashion a makeshift fishing rod using the damp, long woods and vines. She hoped to catch fish in a nearby stream. With everything in place, Madie’s only task was to wait for rescue.

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