Today Was Not A Good Day

After there were only nights left,our school decided to have a break.That was a unpredictable  move from schools and we really got surprised when we heard this new.Me and my friend didnt know what to do.We had a really big time that was given to our hands by this miracle.Some reporters mentioned this miracle as apocalypse and they were quite right.Cause no one knew what to do and everyone just had a forever empty time.Some thought this was not right.Some thought this was good.But I was in the bad thinkers side.Because it was just night.It was just like Sun just disapperead.But whwn some big governments sent space shuttles to space they had a recording of sun and it was brighter than ever.After some time some big country’s was running out of energy.And they wanted us to produce as much energy as we can.From that day our goal was to produce energy for our family.My friends were against this but we had to do if we want to have electric.Our daily life was just like school times.We have a schedule.They actually have camps like Nazis did in WWII.They wake us up at 6:30 and escorts us to the energy storage camps and make us work in there for 4 hours.Then they give us a free time for 1 hour and let us rest.Nextly we go to our rooms to find out how much electric we earned for the morning routine.If it is under 50 percent they make us work again for our camp and for our room.If it is higher than 50 percent they dont make us work but it is optional for us to work.If  its much higher than the capacity they let us keep the 40 percent of it.Some of the guides may be nicer than others and they help us to work more and better.This is our daily rutine and our story.

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