“Would you like to have the superpower to see the future or the superpower to change the past?” My answer to that question is I would like to see the future because if I could see the future, I would be able to stop bad things from happening and I could also see my own future and change some stuff that I dislike about my future. The reason that I do not want to be able to change the past is because if something that happened changes, the entire timeline of the world will change and maybe we will never meet with our best friend or maybe something that we really want may never happen or changing something in the past may result in something worse to happen in the future. Seeing the future is also a much better superpower than changing the past because we only want to change the past to make our life perfect but our life is always good and there is no need to make something good better but if we see the future we can stop our life and others lives from getting worse because some events can make a good thing bad like if we lose our favorite thing in the world we become depressed and those days just got a whole lot worse but if we can see the future we can stop that from happening by changing the place we put our favorite thing into place we won’t forget. When we change the past into not forgetting our favorite thing, some important things that happen because we lost our favorite thing may never happen and the timeline will change. I definitely do not want the timeline to change and that’s why I chose the superpower of “seeing the future” instead of the superpower “changing the past”.

To See The Future Or To Change The Past?
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