Time Travelling or Stopping Time

Would you rather stop time or time travel? They are both very unique abilities. But stopping the time and time travel have pros and cons.

Time travel might look better than stopping the time, but when you heat the cons, you might change your mind. Time travel is a cool thing. You can go to the past and meet yourself when you were young, or you can go to the future and meet yourself when you are old, but when you go to the past and change something, it could effect your time or future, so you must be very careful while going to the past. Its a too big risk for me to take. There are just a few pros for travelling time. Those are: You can correct your mistakes carefully; you can learn what’s going to happen in the future.

Stopping the time may have more pros than cons. Which sounds better than being able to time travel. When you stop the time, you would have unlimited time to complete your work and tasks, and you could prevent accidents just like a hero. Also, you wouldn’t age when you stopped the time. When you stop the time-dependent events could effect your body.

As a result, I would choose stopping the time because it has lots of pros and time travel doesn’t.




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