Time Management

Harry is a boy who enjoys playing football. He goes to play football with his friends every day. But he also has schoolwork to complete. Because of that Harry plays football after he has done his homework. But in these days Harry can’t find the time to play football these days due to school work.

Harry starts a new day at 8 a.m. with getting up to an alarm sound. He is very annoyed because of that. Then he brushed his teeth and waits for the school bus to come. Then he arrives to school at 9.30 a.m. Today Harry had P.E. lesson and of course he played football like other kids in the school did. When school is finished Harry came home and began taking private courses for maths and biology. When his private lesson is finished, he remembered that he had signed up for a football competition with a cash prize. He still needs to do his homework but he also wants to go to the tournament. His friends would lose if he skipped the game since he wasn’t there. So, he tries to do all the work he can and when he starts to get ready, he remembers if he does not complete the physics teacher’s assigned homework, he will fail the lesson and will need to complete two times as much the teacher gave. Now Harry has no chance of going to the football tournament. He says “I wish I could do magic.” Because he wants to play football and do his homework at the same time. He wishes to divide himself to two. He wants one of him plays football while the other one does the homework. When Harry finishes his homework, he looks at his phone and sees that the timer says 9 p.m. Harry missed the game and he also missed the opportunity to win money. But he did his homework. Tomorrow Harry came to school and asked his friends what did they do at the match, his friends says that the game is going to be played today and yesterday they said they did practice. Harry felt so happy. He can now go to the match and play.

At the end of the week Harry got 100 from physics and won the match. Harry now does his homework at time and plays football. He learned that if he doesn’t do plans for the day, he can’t do what he wants. Now Harry is disciplined he has more time to do what he wants.

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