Time Machine

The white light that blinded me and the fog that prevented me from seeing the surroundings suddenly disappeared. I opened my eyes when I heard the laughter of little children. I was filled with fear as the bodies, which I could not understand, were passing me quickly. When I looked back, I didn’t see my time machine there. I had no idea what year it was.

When I released the breath I was holding in fear, I felt my lungs burning. I don’t know what was in the air of this place, but my body was burning more and more with every breath I took. There was a strong smell of exhaust in the air.

The color of the sky was not blue but light red. I couldn’t understand whether this was due to the chemicals in the air. Planes and gray, metallic objects were flying fast in the sky. Was this Earth or another planet?

Children playing on the street wore big hats on their heads. The patterns on the hats glowed different colors as they moved. This must have been a new invention, but I couldn’t figure out what it was for. I touched my head immediately after noticing the hats. I didn’t have a hat and my scalp was burning. This planet’s star was either very large or very close. At that moment I realized I made a mistake, I should have gone back.

I turned around and was about to take a step to leave when I remembered that my time machine was not where I left it. I was trapped on this planet with its strange technology and atmosphere that made it more impossible for me to live with every minute. I should have lived my life on my own. Everyone said too much curiosity wouldn’t bring good results, but I didn’t listen to what they said. I felt like I was bringing about my own end. My breathing was getting harder, my head was about to burst into flames, and the worst part was that I couldn’t find the only tool that would end this suffering.

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