This Is How We Won The Republic

The date is the 22nd of October 1923. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is having a meeting with his closest friends and political strategists. The topic at hand being of upmost importance to Turkey and her people : The style of government which would be established. Yet one sentence sufficed to conclude the heated discussion of these men : “Gentlemen, tomorrow we will declare the republic.” These historic words uttered by Mustafa Kemal mark the beginning of the modern Turkish Republic and the end years of subjugation.

Even though at the first this decision of establishing a republic might seem like a simple political action, this could not be further from the truth. This event is an accumulation of 4 years of  Turkish resistance against colonialism. This period is known as the “ Turkish War of Independence”.

The Ottoman Empire which was once considered to be the greatest power in Europe had shrunk to a fraction of its former territory and military strength. This resulted in the Ottoman Empire receiving the nickname “ The Sick Man of Europe” . At the core of problems surrounding the Empire was the Inability of regime to recognize the necessary policies to enforce to sustain this level of political power. When the World War 1 began in 1914 was not ready nor capable of defending itself. Except for the spectacular defense of the Bosphorus, The Ottoman Empire faced a great loss in World War 1. Even though the war for the Ottoman Empire might have ended, The struggle of independence for Turkey had just begun.

The first declaration of resistance by the Turkish paramilitary group “Kuvay-I Milliye” were disregarded and even scoffed at by the global community. After all, how could a fragmented paramilitary resistance deal with the strongest armies of the world ? However, what these leaders failed to take into account was the indomitable spirit of the Turkish people. It was this spirit which succeeded in raising a united Turkish army and overruling the Treaty of Sevr which sought to end the Turkish people.

Today, as we stand united in celebrating 100th year of the Republic of Turkey we must not forget the sacrifices made by this nation and her people for us to witness this day. As Mehmet Akif Ersoy wonderfully expressed in the Independence March : “

View not the soil you tread on as mere Earth – recognize it!
And think about the shroudless thousands who lie so nobly beneath you.
You are the glorious son of a martyr – take shame, grieve not your ancestors!
Unhand not, even when you are promised worlds, this heavenly homeland.”

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