Things I Want…

Hello Dear Readers,
In this writing I will talk about things that I want to happen in 2022. While reading this you can think what you want from 2022, and you can also think how true I am and how similar with your and my ideas are.

Firstly, I would be happy and shocked if dolar drops to 1. Acutaly its enough for me even it drops to 5 and never increases again and I am sure that most of the people willl agree with me. They did a presention about human rights to us and I remembered some problems about the presentation. I want, violence against women to end and justice between man and women. In a world that child workers are very common, it would not be realistic for me to want child workers end, but at least, I would really appreciate it if it decreases.

Free Vector | Different skin color activist fists and end racism slogan. abstract anti racist, strike or other protest label, emblem or card template. isolated.I’m not talking about my country but there are still some countries that are racist and I would appreciate it, if they realized that skin color doesn’t affect anything and stop doing it. I’m pretty sure that if they showed a little empathy, they would understand the difficulties black people are going through and they would stop racism against them. 

Sci Fi Time Teleportation Machine 3D Model $99 - .obj .fbx .max - Free3D

Now I want talk about some iventions that I would like if they invented in 2022. I really sincerely want the teleporting machine to be invented because the thing this machine will provide us are so many  if I tried to write about the benefits, you would probably get bored and I don’t think it’s necessary. But if I were to give the simplest example, going to school in the morning; get up a few minutes before school starts, get ready, use the machine, and you’re in the school. Another invention is the time machine. I always see this invention in movies and I really like the idea. Same as teleporting machine this invention will have lots of benefits but it can have dissadvantages too. Advantages are you can easily go at any time and change what ever you like. For example you had an exam and you have a lot of mistakes. You can go back and change all your answer to true choices since you know the answer and you can get 100 and be happy. But  as we see in the movies if you play with time, you can change the future in a bad way. Lets say you went back and changed your answers but because of that aliens can come to our planet and destroy it. But I hope they can find a solution to that. If they solve the problem, I would really love to see that machine and buy it.

These are things that would make me happy and excited if they happened in 2022. We can add tons of endless things but except from others, I heavily want these thing to happen. I hope dolar decreases, racism ends, women and men becomes equal, teleporting and time machines get invented in 2022.

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