The Yearbook

The morning started with pouring rain and clouds surrounding the city. My morning started with Harley -my cat- licking my face and constantly meowing as if she’s and alarm. It was the day that I start my university life and to be honest moving to another city from my aunt’s house that I spent my childhood, starting a new life got me a bit overwhelmed. However, I was proud of myself for taking such a big step in my life even little me would be proud. Also, from the first day I moved here I made some friends -who turned out to be my neighbours- which helped me get used to this place.

After I woke up, I got dressed which took longer than I thought, since first impression is important. I gave Harley food and made breakfast for myself then realized I didn’t have coffee. So, I decided to get coffee on the way. When I was leaving Ivy and Austin were also leaving, so we decided to get coffee together from the cafe we discovered together. We  were chatting and sipping our coffees, while walking to our university. When we arrived it was a hustle and bustle with all the new students. Most of the day was spent in the conference hall the teachers, professor giving speeches about the terms, classes, projects, clubs and extracurricular activities. After taking notes, chatting with my friends and very rarely sleeping the day was finally over. Ivy, Austin, me and some new friends hung out as an ice breaker till late in the evening. After I got home I got the urge to walk a bit, so I went back down. Since I saw this as a chance to explore the city, I visited some streets. Following many streets, in one of them there was big building which looked a bit diferent than all the other buildings on the street. However, I wasn’t able to distinguish it, because of the mist, so I got closer. It turned out that the huge, impressive building I saw while walking through the pitch blackness of the damp, cold night was a school. Its lights illuminated every nook and cranny, ridiculing the sombre, silent cloak of the night like a persistent mustard stain on funeral attire. The street was still dark, but it felt brighter in my inner world. It was kind of an old school, but it stil looked incredible and the lights around were not off. I looked for an entrance, when I found it the door was unlocked. With my uncontrollable curiosity, I probably trespassed and went in. The halls were covered in graffiti, but I stil went back to the start of high school. I looked into classrooms, walked in halls with caution and thriller of the possibility of someone else being in the school. Then I found a yearbook that belonged to 80s I flipped through pages when I recognized two faces. When I looked closer and closened my phone light, I realized the faces I reconized were my parents’. I got emotional since their passing were years ago. I looked at all of their photos and took pictures of them as memories. Then I decided this was enough for tonight and went back home.

Harley was waiting for snuggles laying at the front door. I changed into something more comfortable and got Harley up. After finding that yearbook I wanted to call my aunt, but it was getting late, so I decided to go over to my couch and continue to “Friends”  then I fell asleep on the couch. The other day, the first thing I did in the morning was to call my aunt, she also got excited and I sent her the photos, it was a bit emotional. Me and my friends went to university together again, I told them about the school  which they were surprised of. Overall, my first experiences in this city and new life were amazing.


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