The Ways To Improve Art

In our country the importance of art and artists is negligible. Although many people want to be artists in our country, they cannot become artists because art is not seen as a profession. Every second we trivialize art for our country, we hinder the development of our country.

In our country, most people’s understanding of art is music and painting lessons in school. It is not possible to advance in art by devoting only two hours a week to these classes. First of all, changes should be made in schools. Children should be intertwined with art at school and understand the importance of art. In addition, we should direct the students who are considered to be talented at art and ensure that they receive the necessary education. In this way, we instill the importance of art in children at a young age. Children who receive this education at a young age will be saved from being an ignorant individual who does not see art as a profession in the future.

The second reason that prevents us from developing in art is that individuals do not consider art to be important. Some people think money spent on a game is an unnecessary expense or they prefer to go to the mall rather than an art gallery. In fact, art is the most beautiful activity that a person can do to improve themselves. But we cannot blame people for not knowing that, because the problem is in the system. There are very few people who can be called artists in our country. One of the reasons of this is the fear of not being able to make a living. The money to be given to the person who wants to be an artist is very low, because art has no value in our country. First of all, we have to get these fixed thoughts out of our minds. We should organize various activities to guide people to art. We should tell people that art is an important thing. Secondly, more opportunities should be provided to artists.

Although our country thinks that it will develop by making roads and buildings, art is a much more important step to develop. If we do nothing while there is a lot we can do for the development of art, it means we do not care about our country.

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